Campus Improvement Plans (CIP)

Why do we have CIPs? The purpose of the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) is to improve student performance for all student populations, including special education, with respect to the academic excellence indicators and other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations. The Campus Improvement Plan must be supportive of the objectives of the District Improvement Plan to receive federal funding.


Title I Definition and Purpose


SBMS is a Title I campus. Title I, Part A is a formula grant program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families. Title I is the largest program supporting elementary and secondary education in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). There are nine Titles under this law.


The purpose of Title I, part A is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. 


Parent and Family Engagement Program


ESSA requires a local education agency (LEA) to maintain a district written parent and family engagement policy. Districts are obligated to “outreach to all parents and family members” and implement “programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members.” They do this by implementing District Improvement Plans and Campus Improvement Plans.


SBMS meets the Parent and Family Engagement Program requirement through its Campus Improvement Plan, and Community in Schools of Houston (CIS) - Bears 4 Bears Program. Campus Improvement Team meetings are when Title I is discussed, and are open to the public. Read more about ESSA Parent and Family Engagement and the School Parent Compact component. 


Learn more about the SBMS


Review the SBMS Parent Notification or Parents Right to Know (October 15, 2019)

Review the SBMS Parent Involvement Policy

Download the SBMS Annual Parent Compact


State and Local Report Cards


States are required to publicly disseminate a state report card annually while LEAs are required to issue local school report cards annually. The grade will be determined by three factors: student achievement, school progress, and closing performance gaps. Search for a Texas School or District Report Card and read more from the US Department of Education's Parent Guide to State and Local Report Cards.